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5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

1. Do something out of your comfort zone


Try something new once a month (more than once a month is okay, too). It could be as simple as going to a restaurant trying a different cuisine.

2. Go shopping… alone

Even if it’s just grocery shopping, there’s something pleasurable about shopping alone. Exploring the aisles for new ingredients is like traveling to another place. Being able to read the ingredient labels with no interruptions is peaceful.

Time for Yourself Text [1]3. Connecting Online

Facebook can be a time stealer, but it can also connect you to distant family and online friends.  In about 30 minutes or less, you feel like you’ve escaped isolation, chatted, and caught up with friends.

Related: Developing Your Own Network [2]

4. Get Outside

Spending time in nature can have  mood boosting effects. Try a walk in the park, your own backyard, or the beach. Enjoying fresh air and nature can make you feel revitalized.


5. Take a yoga breath or try a pose

Yoga is a powerful antidote for stress. You’ll get the most benefits from practicing yoga daily. But, sometimes just squeezing in a few yoga breaths and stretches can calm emotions and put you in touch with your inner self.

Make Time for Yourself [3]

Photos courtesy of Photoxpress: 1.Lucky Dragon, 2. Shocker, 3. Adam Borkowski 4. mdb, 5. Natalia Matveeva

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This post originally appeared on our September/October 2011 Magazine [16]
