Ask Special Parents: Brushing Teeth

Brushing Teeth
ADVICE NEEDED: I’ve been having battles with my 12 yr old son over tooth brushing – he will do anything to avoid it. Yes, it is a sensory issue – I thought it was just the tooth brush – but he just told me he does not like the minty/stinging taste of the tooth paste. Any suggestions for tooth paste that is not minty, but, will protect against cavities? I dread taking him to the dentist; cavities are becoming a frequent issue.
Many great ideas were shared like:
Tom’s all natural strawberry flavor. Or Crest has one that is bubble gum n sparkly. Also, follow with kids mouth wash that tastes like bubble gum with no burning or minty flavor. Don’t worry, a lot of kids go through this around that age
~Samantha F.
Ask to include teeth brushing as part of his OT therapy at school & include it in an annual goal of his IEP. You can ask to add this at any time; not just at an annual meeting (might have to convene a meeting) – get note from your child’s dentist to support this. Also, Prevadent (prescribed by your child’s dentist) does a wonderful job and is not as minty
~Carol Carrie H.
Try no toothpaste. It’s absolutely ok, the friction of the brush is the most important part of getting the plaque off the teeth. Also, try simply wiping the teeth with a washcloth. This also helps clean the surface of the tooth.
~Nancy O.
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- Check It Out! Surround Toothbrush
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