Barbara Sher

Got Pool Games? 0

Got Pool Games?

GOT POOL GAMES? When the sun is hot, water is the place to be. Kids in water are natural. Water is also a medium that is perfect for experimenting with...

Postcard Diaries & Memorabilia Bags 0

Postcard Diaries & Memorabilia Bags

Memorabilia Recording memories when you travel with the family is always a good idea—in theory. The reality might be very full days with the challenges of finding meals that satisfy,...


Secret Message Game

The Power of Play. Watching something appear from nothing feeds a child’s delight in magic.


Cereal Box Puzzles

Cereal Box Puzzles Cereal and cracker boxes can be used to make an instant puzzle. This is a good way to recycle, reuse and educate. Cut out the front and...