From the Heart: Parent Time
Welcome to the May/June 2011 issue of PSN.
As this issue falls into the months that hold Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, I can’t help but think of what it means to me to be a mother of a special needs child. One word that quickly comes to mind is SWERVE. I have had to learn to move quickly and often (to “swerve”). I mean this in terms of having to handle all the “curve balls” that life has thrown at me. At first, I didn’t do so well. As time has gone on, however, it has afforded me the ability to see that I have gotten better at juggling all the balls that seem to always be in the air. I’ve learned to better manage time, therapy, school, playtime, family, work, and life. I have also been able to see how much it has made me a better person…. more compassionate…more understanding…. more patient….more grateful….. and more fulfilled. I keep thinking about the old saying: if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.
But with this change, I still need time for “me”. This issue has some fun and worthwhile tips for getting away from it all. Simple and inexpensive as well. There is also a wonderful article on a different type of “vacation” …. a fast food vacation. Please do take a moment to check out “Side by Side: about boundless playgrounds”. This keeps us in line with the fact that this issue also falls over summer. The playground is designed to be inclusive and allow ALL children to play together.
Lastly, please take time to “Mommy Time Out” ….. time for “you”. After all, if you aren’t the best, you can be……can you give the best to your child?
I would like to express my gratitude to all the people that submitted photos for the Mommy & Me cover contest. We had so many beautiful images, it was hard to choose a winner. We may ask to use some of images for future issues.
Have a Wonderful Summer.
Chantai Snellgrove
Founder and Editorial Director
[email protected]
Articles Mentioned in This Article
- 7 Sensory Games Dads Can Play With Their Children
- Mommy’s Timeout: Beautiful Beach
- Have You Considered How a Dog Could Enhance Your Child’s Life?
- The Data Dilemma – It’s a Love-HateThing
- Will Parenting Like the Tiger Mother Improve Your Special Needs Child’s Academic Performance?
- Yoga Tips for Traveling with Children
Coming Next Issue
Let me know what you think of the issue, we are excited to hear from you.
This post originally appeared on our May/June 2011 Magazine