From The Heart: The Changing landscape

The Changing landscape
With each new issue that “hits the streets” (so to speak…. I know we are an online publication) I become more encouraged for the future. April is Autism Awareness Month and with that I believe that Autism has raised a tremendous amount of awareness and acceptance; not just for autism… but, for all disabilities. As a culture we have more awareness and acceptance of disabilities. Tommy Hilfiger has just launched a line of adaptive clothing, Runways have used models with disabilities (in fact, a Down syndrome model is making headlines in fashion week), LEGO has a new, mini figure that happens to be in a wheelchair. Yes, I’m encouraged. However, I still see that there is a great need for continued education (both medical and academic). Our own Real Moms Share article tells of a mother who received a diagnosis of autism for her sons, but was not provided any additional help, or information, beyond the “your children have autism” statement.
We still have work to do, but I am hopeful we will continue to make great slides.
Chantai Snellgrove
Founder and Editorial Director
5 Things I Learned From This Issue
- Insights from a OT after 20 years in an inclusive preschool classroom (p.48).
- There is a unique camp for children who use computers to communicate (p.8).
- Twelve steps coined a “Hero’s Journey” that can also be found in our favorite fairy tales and movies. (p.38).
- Hemp healing in an edible form and approved in over 50 states (p.22).
- Jessica Parsons a certified Yoga teacher with Down syndrome (p.47).
Articles Mentioned in This Article
- Say “Aah” Successful Trips to the Dentist
- Cooking With Kids: Egg-Sicles
- Top 4 Children’s Museums That Are Fun for Everyone!
- Clean up What You Eat
- How Do You Define A Hero?
- Why Me? Why My Child? Wisdom Found in the “Hero’s Journey”
- Fitness Activities: A Gateway Towards Introducing Social Skills
- Real Moms Share: Raising Twins on the Spectrum
- Mommy’s Timeout: Great Smokey Mountains National Park
- Teen Dating: Violence Can Happen: Understanding the 3 Cs in a Healthy Relationship
- Autism & Wandering Prevention Tips: Promoting Safety in the Home & Community
Coming Next Issue
Summer & Mobility
This post originally appeared on our March/April 2016 Magazine