Lily Exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude

Hear Me Now
After 6 years of speech therapy, my daughter Lily was able today to speak clearly and slowly enough to ask strangers for donations at the IHOP pancake day AND have them UNDERSTAND HER!!!!
~ Lydia B. (Proud Mom)
Taking on Responsibility
I home school my special needs 12 year old, so needless to say, when I have errands to run, from the Post Office to the grocery store, she comes with me. A few weeks ago while at Publix, I noticed that the deli area was crowded with customers. I instructed my daughter to go and take a number and wait for me while I selected some canned tuna. By the time I found the right tuna and headed to the deli my daughter was talking to the deli lady. I thought “Oh no…she cut in line!!”. When I approached her from behind I checked the number she had in her hand and it matched the “now serving” number! Then without knowing that I was there, she tells the deli lady that her mom wants 1/2 pound of Publix sweet ham.
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