Meaningful Work: The Value of a Special Delivery

Looking at your child’s abilities to help them create meaningful work.
Anthony At Your Service started because of a young man’s desire to provide a helping hand around his community, but has advanced into something much more than that. Anthony has autism and a philanthropic heart that motivated his mother to create an errand service designed for him and a driving assistant to pick up and deliver packages around the city of Edmonton. The service has expanded into employment for other driving assistants and delivery providers with special needs alongside Anthony.
Anthony’s mother claims that the service has become an important staple in his life and he is grateful to have it. Employing individuals with special needs shows them that their service is valued and, therefore, important. Through Anthony serving and helping the community, he has “developed quite a bit of self-esteem,” as his mother says. The cooperation of local businesses has flourished because the businesses believe in Anthony and the social enterprise that has encouraged others with special needs to put their abilities to use!
A business collaborated with Anthony At Your Service called The Balloon Store says, “He’s got a smile on his face, he says hello when he walks in the door, he picks up his balloons and delivers them out. We’ve had a really good response.” Anthony’s family and friends declare that he doesn’t usually have a lot to say but his smile and energy are infectious to those he encounters. There is an abundance of positivity flowing through this business that starts with the charming individuals doing the delivering and extends to those that are receiving them.
The most valuable aspect of the business is the enjoyment and inclusion that those with special needs get out of doing this service. Anthony discovered what he was good at and put his talents to use which has, not only amounted to a great deal of success but also a plethora of fulfillment and importance.
Visit Anthony at
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