One Way Learning STOPS and Students LOSE

One Way Learning STOPS and Students LOSE
I love the quote from Maya Angelou…
When you know better… you do better!
I wanted to share with you what a teacher shared with me about apps and electronic devices. I know it has been an issue in my daughter’s education. I hope KNOWING this information will benefit your child.
Related: The Politics of Special Education
The Teacher said…
”One thing that stops learning and is very frustrating for teachers… Are many parents want us to use apps and devices, and there are TONS of them. In most school districts, however, training is very minimal and if the teacher is not tech savvy, then getting handed a device and having no idea how to use it only hurts the child. To ASSUME the staff knows how to use any particular device means your child may not be getting much use out of it.”
It could be as long as five months into the year with NO training on the app or device, and then the student REALLY loses.
Teachers can’t “try it out on the student” when they have no idea how to use it.
There is no time during the school day to learn, think or try out the device.
Teachers need time to learn Dynavox, Eye Gaze, or any other app, for that matter.
Parents CAN HELP!! As part of the IEP team, parents need to INSIST on training for the staff that needs it. Making sure all involved know how to use the device…And NOT just a few minutes to try it out. Put the Training TIME needed in the IEP minutes!
I hope this information helps so that proper training can be put in place WITH the ultimate goal being that our children have a better chance of SUCCESS through a QUALITY education.
**Remember: The Politics of Special Education
There are many issues teachers face that cripple them from doing the best they can for students, and they cannot mention it, or they face being disciplined.
Related: Back to School App Favorites
Helpful Articles
- Ready, Set…School: Strategies for Parents of Infant and Toddlers to Prepare for the Upcoming School Year
- How Parents Can Work Together to Help Their Child With Their Education
- How Technology Aids Families with Disabilities
- Parent-Professional Partnerships {Tip 28 of 31}
- Advocacy Tips for the Long Haul
- How to Set Clear Goals and Plan Naturally
- Developing Your Own Network
- Got Parent Support? My Advice to Parents Is Get Parent Support