Having a Party? GET A BOX!

If you want your party to be a big hit with kids, get a box. Get a big box…the kind appliances come in. Just the box alone will be a draw and the kids will just love climbing inside it. It won’t matter if it’s right side up, or on its side.
But, if you want to be a bigger hit, cut doors in the front of the box. Just make a cut down the middle of one side and on the top and bottom (like a giant letter “I”). The doors will then open and the fun can begin.
One game that I’ve done many, many times is called “Who’s In The Box” and it’s always a gigantic hit.
The way you play is to have all the kids turn their backs to the box and close their eyes (no peeking!). Then, choose one child to get in the box. If you made doors, close the doors. If you didn’t make doors, just pick the child up and put them inside of the box and close the top flaps (partially or all the way).
Then sing this chant with the kids
Who’s in the box?
Who’s in the box?
Knock (actually knock on the box)
Who’s in the box?
The kids have to look around and see who is missing and figure out who is gone. After guessing, they look inside the box to see if they are right.
If my experience is any guide, everyone will be “over the moon” with excitement– jumping up and down wanting their turn to be in the box.
In a school situation, this game can be a way to increase social awareness, but, at a party, it’s just plain fun to be in the box.
After awhile I let more than one child in the box, maybe even a few. They love getting squashed together. Young children crave that physical closeness that doesn’t require conversation. I have found this is particularly true for children on the spectrum who respond to that deep proprioceptive touch that happens when you are cuddling close with others.
Barbara Sher M.A.,O.T.R, an occupational therapist and author of nine books on children’s games. Titles include EARLY INTERVENTION GAMES SPIRIT GAMES and EXTRAORDINARY PLAY WITH ORDINARY THINGS.
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This post originally appeared on our July/August 2014 Magazine