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Sharing “I CAN!” attitudes: DJ & Heather

“I did it…

I am proud of all my children’s accomplishments; however, it is our youngest that I am the most proud of because he has to work the hardest!


DJ was born at 28 weeks with the cord wrapped around his neck…thus suffering a lack of oxygen. I remember holding him in the special care nursery and the doctors telling us they had no idea what he’d be able to do. Seven years later, he just amazes me every day. His biggest milestone he did all by himself! We have been trying to get him out of our bed and into his own bed. Last week he decided it was time. We jumped on the dj-in-big-boy-bed [1]idea…got him a bed and whatever else it was going to take…he slept the whole night. He was soooo proud of himself that when he woke up he said

“I did it. I slept all night…in my own bed!”

This may not seem like a big deal, or some may think it’s about time…but anyone who has a child with special needs can certainly understand the trade off one makes for sleep. DJ may not be able to walk or sit unassisted, but, he certainly has his own mind and agenda!psn_logo_-heart_outline2 [2]

~ Patti Cibor (Proud Mom)

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“Graduated” from Speech Therapy

Our little girl, Heather was born with Down Syndrome. She will be 4 years old this New Year’s Eve. We were SO very excited that she “graduated” from Speech Therapy a little over a week ago. The therapist re-evaluated her and her scores were VERY good. We were told that 1 [3]her scores were SO good, that she no longer needs Speech Therapy. She currently tested within the same range as other “typical” kids her age.  The Speech therapist said when she was meeting with Heather’s Occupational Therapist to tell her the news, the OT said that in her 12 years of working with children with Down Syndrome, Heather is, by far, the smartest child she’s ever worked with. We are so thankful and so Blessed. We give God all the glory for her progress. She is the light of our lives!psn_logo_-heart_outline2 [2]

~ Diana Johnston (Proud Mom)


Share a Proud Moment with us Next Issue! Proud Moments can be any time that you have been extremely proud of your child with special needs. It can be when they are giving it their all or reaching a milestone. You may feel you can only share your excitement or enthusiasm with someone that will really understand. We understand. submit@parentingspecialneeds.org

DJ exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude Photo courtesy Patti Cibor

Heather and her best friend, her big brother, Matthew exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude Photo courtesy Diana Johnston
