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Sharing “I CAN!” attitudes: Hailey & Payton


Who’s teaching Whom


We had such a nice weekend with Hailey. I’m sure I sound like a broken record, but, I just enjoy her company so much. It is always my pleasure when she spends the night. We even got Grampy up at 6:00 a.m. to take us out to breakfast, even though he just went to sleep at 4:00a.m. Though she doesn’t really talk much, Hailey knows that all she has to do is give him that mischievous, unbelievable smile of hers and he will do whatever she wants. She can play him like a fiddle. We spent the remainder of the day playing games and reading books. It is amazing how much Hailey still enjoys reading. After reading several books, I would attempt to walk into the kitchen and start preparing dinner or cutting up fruit and Hailey will continuously follow me out there with another book in hand. Her “new thing” is to get on her knees and thrust herself up on your legs. She totally wraps her arms around both of your legs, still holding onto that book, and looking way up at you and smiling. After such effort and determination, I have to stop dead in my tracks Sharing “I CAN!” attitudes Hailey & Payton [1]and bring her back into the living room and read more books. She can never get enough of them, and I can never get enough of her.

Last night, when Christine came to teach us sign language, Hailey totally knocked her socks off. Of course, Grampy was video taping us and she also likes to ham it up a bit. We mostly worked on our colors. We started with the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?”. I narrated the book while Christine would show her each color in sign and Hailey would match each color inside the book with a small color square…she never even got one wrong! The highlight of the night was when Hailey signed “Bear”. Each time she would sign “bear”, Hailey would point outside; we had no idea what she was pointing to. At the end of the night, Christine brought the dogs inside (she brings two dogs with her each week; one dog’s name is Lycos and the other is Teddy). The dogs come running inside very happy to be going home and Hailey smiled and signed “BEAR”. We didn’t get it that she was signing Teddy Bear! Now I wonder who is teaching whom here?PSN_logo_ heart_outline2 [2]

~ Janet (Proud Grandmother)


Jumping In


My daughter, Payton, absolutely loves the water, but, struggled with jumping in on her own. Recently, we ventured out to raft down the river. As she watched her siblings splashing and playing, she decided she would no longer be a spectator. Holding firmly to her lifejacket, she took a leap out of the boat and into the unknown water. The fear, since that day, seems conquered. You go, Payton!!! The picture was obviously taken before her adventure into the water.PSN_logo_ heart_outline2 [2]

~ Julie C. (Proud Mom)


Share a Proud Moment with us Next Issue! Proud Moments can be any time that you have been extremely proud of your child with special needs. It can be when they are giving it their all or reaching a milestone. You may feel you can only share your excitement or enthusiasm with someone that will really understand. We understand. submit@parentingspecialneeds.org

Hailey exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude Photo courtesy Janet

Payton exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude Photo courtesy Julie Clem
