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Sharing Real Finds: Jessica’s Granola & Short Hot-Cold Food Container


Jessica’s Granola [1]



Jessica’s Granola

Jessica’s Natural Foods line of granola is made with love in small batches in a dedicated gluten-free facility in Michigan.

These are the perfect treat for lunch boxes or after school. There are 6 delicious flavors to choose from. Our family’s favorites were “Cherry and Berry” and “Motor City Crunch”.YUM! visit sites for Reference [2]

The products are sold for $6.99 – $7.49 per bag in Whole Foods Market stores in Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut, or can be purchased in bulk online at Jessica’s Natural Foods website, www.JessicasNaturalFoods.com [3].


Short Hot-Cold Food Container [4]


Short Hot-Cold Food Container

They have redesigned their classic hot-cold food container to be as easy to eat from as a regular bowl. Perfect for soups or mac and cheese. Fits in a lunchbox perfectly and doesn’t take up too much space. We found it at Pottery Barn Kids. Features include: 4.5” diameter, 3” high; Stainless steel containers with plastic lid and base Reuse it! [5]are BPA-free; Specially designed to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold; Easy to clean, easy to store.

www.potterybarnkids.com [6]


Image courtesy Pottery Barn Kids



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This post originally appeared on our September/October 2013 Magazine [18]
