Special Needs Parenting

Special Needs Parenting
by Nancy Moody
Floridians who have a family member with developmental disabilities have special status under state law and our state is exclusive in this position among all the other states. Yes, thatโs right, by an act of Florida law, Chapter 393, if you are an individual with developmental disabilities or you are a parent, sibling or guardian, you have the ability along with others to influence the effectiveness of services in your area.
In 1993 the Florida Legislature set-up 15 all-volunteer Family Care Councils to be located within each service area of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD). Individuals become members of Family Care Council through a lengthy application process and are then appointed by the governor.
Family Care Councils were established to assist in providing information, education and out reach to families. Each Family Care Councils is to review and make recommendations about the effectiveness and delivery of supports and services within the service area of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD).
Area 15 APD serves Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin and Okeechobee counties. In Area 15, there are presently 1070 individuals with developmental disabilities who are Medwaiver consumers. Another 566 individuals have applied for the waiver and have been placed on a waiting list.
Because of drastic budget cuts to our state, many individuals with developmental disabilities, including those in Area 15, are experiencing a reduction of services. A new Tier system has been implemented which assigns individuals to a tier category with rigid capped amounts (except for Tier 1).
The Family Care Council of Area 15 is conducting an outreach to families and individuals so that we can make plans together to improve conditions for persons with developmental disabilities. We sincerely care about the need for :
- better job opportunities
- improved medical and dental conditions
- independent living
- concentration of resources for the waitlist
- more inclusive education in schools and post-secondary opportunities
- more dependable transportation
- particular attention to the 30+ population
We welcome you to join us and help us advocate for a better quality of life for yourself if you have a developmental disability or if you are a parent, sibling or guardian. We urge you to become involved. Everyone is welcome.
For more information, please visit the Family Care Council Florida at www.fccflorida.org
Additional Resources
- Financial Planning: For Those Who Are at the Starting Line
- โInstruction Manualโ for Your Child with Special Needs
- Guardianship: A Basic Understanding for Parents
- Social Security Benefits: Understanding How To Work?
- Special Needs Planning: What is a Special Needs Trust?
- Does Your Child Qualify for Supplemental Security Income? Dispelling Misconceptions
- 9 Things You Need to Know to Maximize Your Childโs Benefits
- Able Accounts and Taxes: What Special Needs Families Need to Know
Helpful Articles
- Planning for Your Special Childโs Future: Itโs Never โToo Earlyโ to Start!
- Educational Options After High School for Students with Special Needs
- College Programs: Closer Than You Think
- College Bound: A Journey to Independence
- Where to Go if Your Child Needs a Job or Help with Post High School Education
- Parenting Your Young Adult Through Their First Employment Experiences
- What Are Pre-Employment Skills and How Does My Child Get Them?
- Transition & Supported Employment Working for You
- Group Homes: Can My Experience Help You?
- Preparing for the First Apartment: Beyond Home Furnishings and Domestic Supplies
- How to Find Your Special Childโs Spark?