Supermarket Savings

Supermarket Savings
10 tips to help you save money on groceries this year!
Tip #1 – Don’t go to the store without a list! Write it down, plan a menu for a week. Don’t forget breakfast, lunch and snacks. Don’t forget to stick to your menu plan. 5 minutes of planning will save time in the long run.
Tip #2 – Make a list of the 15-20 items you buy most often. Write down the regular price (from old receipts). When shopping, if you concentrate on those 15-20 items you can save BIG when they go on SALE.
Tip #3 – Gather multiple coupons-buy or collect multiple copies of the Sunday paper.
Tip #4 – Stock pile your 15-20 items when they go on sale or when they ‘re 50% off.
Tip #5 – Take Advantage of seasonal foods. Buy products when they are in-season and in abundant supply.
Tip #6 – Double up on your coupons. Combine a coupon and a sale price and you may be able to get items for FREE.
Tip #7 – Price Matching- Ask your favorite store manager if they have a price matching policy. Also, ask about their policy on double or triple coupons. Stores such as Target and Wal-Mart will match prices, although they do not advertise it.
Tip #8 – Challenge yourself: cook a meal from the stock(pile) in your pantry.
Tip #9 – Review your cart before proceeding to check out. Eliminate extra items that are ‘wants’ rather than ‘needs.’ (Be respectful to the store and return items to their proper place in the store.)
Tip #10 – When items are on a “buy 10 for $10.00”, you do not have to buy all 10 to get the sale price! Many people do not realize this (and the stores probably don’t want everyone to know). However, if it’s one of your top 20 items, and you use regularly, it’s a good idea to go ahead and purchase more than one.
ExtraTip – Coupon Mom ( provides grocery deals by state. She also has a new book out entitled “The Coupon Mom’s guide to cutting your grocery bills in half.”
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