Age Appropriate Gifts?
Q: What are your thoughts on buying age appropriate gifts for my teenager? Please advise. Advice: Now that the holidays are approaching, I have had quite a few questions regarding...
Q: What are your thoughts on buying age appropriate gifts for my teenager? Please advise. Advice: Now that the holidays are approaching, I have had quite a few questions regarding...
Toy Safety Question: What should I be concerned about as it relates to holiday gifts with my special needs child? Answer: Toy safety concerns are crucial as toys can soon...
Communication with Your Child’s Teacher Have you established a method of communication with your child’s teacher via email or a weekly report? Does it describe the goals worked on, methods...
Note: The Walt Disney World Disability Access Pass has changed since since the initial publishing of this article. Please visit for current information regarding Disney’s Disability Access Service (DAS)....
Feeling Guilty Summer Is Over? Dear Robin: Question: Should I feel guilty that I am glad summer is over? I know my child likes the “summer break”, but, I...
Question: Why are vaccines and immunizations so important? Answer: Parents are constantly worried about their child’s health and safety and take the necessary steps needed to protect them. The utilization...
The demise of any relationship is the result of unmatched expectations. The same is true for parent – school relationships. Too often I talk to parents of children with special...
Question: My child has CP and is having difficulty swallowing so I took her to the Doctor and he used the term Dysphagia. What is Dysphagia? Answer: Dysphagia is a...
ASK SPECIAL PARENTS HELP! My baby is in the hospital and the Dr. said he can come home soon if I can find nursing. I live in Hopkinsville, KY., and...
Tiger Mother The Tiger Mother craze is sweeping America. Most people have heard about Amy Chua, who authored a controversial book entitled “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” The book...
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