

Eat Your Medicine

Have you ever wondered why a pre-packaged food has a longer expiration date than the same food made from scratch which spoils in a matter of days? Look at the...


Decision Making Skills for Young Adults

When students with disabilities become young adults, they and their parents often ask whether and how decision-making practices should change. After all, the student and family, the school, medical, vocational,...

Special Diets for a Variety of Disabilities & Disorders 0

Special Diets for a Variety of Disabilities & Disorders

Usually, I mainly write about the Gluten Free/Casein Free, or Feingold Diets for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders or ADHD/ADD. Today, however, this column will be about...

Strategies to Improve School Safety 0

Strategies to Improve School Safety

Improve School Safety Over the past decade and a half, the United States has experienced an unprecedented level of violence within the school setting. The first, prominent display of a...