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Tech Tools to try in 2024 0

Tech Tools to try in 2024

Many people associate the beginning of a new year with a time of renewal, starting fresh, and setting new goals or resolutions. We at BridgingApps like to take time to...


Technology Empowerment

  List of WINTER HOLIDAY APPS. Click Here Technology empowers learning, fun, and exploration. It helps the imagination soar to new heights and helps young and old draw inspiration from...


Tech Tools to Support Literacy Accommodations

As the summer comes to an end and school preparations start, many of you are, like us, reviewing accommodations with your childโ€™s teachers and paraprofessionals, as well as with your...


Tech Tools Crushing the Summer Slide

School will be out for summer vacation again soon. Will your family travel and explore new places or stay home to relax and recharge? No matter how your family decides...

Tech Tools for Caregivers 0

Tech Tools for Caregivers

At BridgingApps, we are constantly gathering, researching, and trialing not only mobile apps for your tablet and smartphone, but also devices, web-based software tools, accessories, and more. We were recently...

Tech Toys Apps for All 0

Tech Toys & Apps for All

The holidays are here again! We, at BridgingApps, keep an eye out all year for new and exciting technology and apps for all ages and abilities. The holidays are a...

Tech Tools for Growing Up 0

Tech Tools for Growing Up

Growing up is hard. You spend your childhood attending a structured educational setting for 12+ years and then suddenly you are expected to find a job and pay bills, not...