Back to School

Turtles 0


Turtles The little boy dropped his backpack on the kitchen floor and thrust his writing assignment at his mother. She could barely understand him through his sobs. “She didn’t even...

Avoiding Unmatched Expectations 0

Avoiding Unmatched Expectations

The demise of any relationship is the result of unmatched expectations. The same is true for parent – school relationships. Too often I talk to parents of children with special...

Doug’s 3-Point Back-To-School Guide for Parents 0

Doug’s 3-Point Back-To-School Guide for Parents

Back-To-School Guide for Parents It’s that time of year again where both children and parents experience a myriad of emotions. Going back-to-school can be both stressful and exciting. Therefore, it...


The Guaranteed Back-to-School Question

One question that is guaranteed to be asked of your child sometime during the first few weeks of school is , “What did you do this summer?” Parents and caregivers would cringe if they overheard