Simple Ideas to Help You When You Face Financial Hardships
Dealing with Financial Hardships When You Have to Take Time Off from Work Many families today are only one paycheck away from financial hardships. When you are caring for a...
Dealing with Financial Hardships When You Have to Take Time Off from Work Many families today are only one paycheck away from financial hardships. When you are caring for a...
Supplemental Security (SSI) is a federal program that distributes monthly cash payments for food and shelter to qualifying individuals with disabilities. Eligibility is based on both a determination of “disability”...
Planning for the future well-being of your children is a daunting task for any parent. The question for most parents is: where to even start?
Teaching financial literacy to teens and young adults is critically important regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Financial literacy is a complex behavior that is the cornerstone...
Long-Term Security The vast majority of my clients who have children with special needs share the same goal: that they will outlive their children. The thought of leaving their loved...
Taking Control of Your Family’s Finances When faced with the responsibility of managing your family finances for the first time, it can feel overwhelming when it isn’t something you were...
There are enough challenges raising a child with special needs, and transportation and mobility should not add undue stress. Equipping a vehicle for wheelchair or specialty stroller access can be...
New Savings Accounts May Fund Care for Individuals with Disabilities In December, amidst much euphoria, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the ABLE Act of 2014 (Achieving a...
Creating a financial plan with a trusted advisor is critical, and arriving at various milestones can guide you in what to do next. Below are seven milestones to benchmark your planning efforts with financial advice for every turning point.
Merrill Edge now offers financial planning and advice for the middle-income family or caregiver of a child with special needs. A select team of Merrill Edge financial advisors have been...
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