

Secret Message Game

The Power of Play. Watching something appear from nothing feeds a child’s delight in magic.

Let’s Dance 0

Let’s Dance

Chorography seems like the domain of expert dancer but as the African saying goes, “If you can talk you can sing and if you can walk you can dance!” In...

Who Is in the Box? 0

Who Is in the Box?

Who Is in the Box? If your child or client is going into an inclusive classroom at school this fall, s/he may have some difficult moments trying to fit in...

Wrapping Paper Game 0

Wrapping Paper Game

Wrapping Paper Game Picture this: Everyone has opened their presents and played with their toys. The living room is strewn with wrapping paper and ribbons, you’ve already eaten, it’s too...

Tick Tock Times Up! 0

Tick, Tock… Time’s Up!

Time’s Up! As parents and educators, we constantly find ourselves running out of time to do the things we want. Or so we believe… Do we really run out of...

Team Players 0

Team Players

Krissy Peterson loves sports, especially basketball. Like many young adults, she’s excited to get out on