Why Go To College? 0

Why Go To College?

There are many reasons to go to college, the most important of which is to become qualified for your desired career. Students attending IPSE (Inclusive Postsecondary Education) programs are more...


Filing a Due Process Complaint

Complaint Parents who have children with special needs have options when they disagree or are in dispute with a decision of a local school district regarding the services their child...


Stuck in IEPLand

Feeling stuck is one of the most miserable feelings in the world. Stuck in a bad school, stuck in a toxic relationship or friendship, stuck at work, or stuck dealing...

How to Find a Special Education Advocate 0

How to Find a Special Education Advocate

Special Education Advocate The special education and IEP process can be stressful and confusing. Many parents turn to a special needs advocate to guide them as they seek services for...

Meet Early Steps Take Your First Steps With Early Steps 0

Take Your First Steps With Early Steps

Take your first steps with Early Steps The welcoming of a new child can bring parents a plethora of emotions. Who will they look like? How can we best care...