
Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome 0

Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome

Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome Sparks Overwhelming Support [Source: ABC] A Canadian father is receiving support around the globe after posting a video of himself defending children with...


Judith Bluestone

So Many Unsung Heroes and Heroines! When asked to write about an unsung hero, many came to mind. There is, first and foremost, my greatest teacher, my son Jeremy. He...


DeAnna Pursai and and Cassie Wootan

Cassie is one of the acting angels. DeAnna is the founder of Angels on Stage. AoS was founded in 2008, in honor of her sister, Angel, who happens to have...

Today I Cried Special Moments 0

Today I Cried Special Moments

Special Moments This morning I woke up early and fixed a very filling breakfast before they headed out. I helped my older daughter scour the house for last minute things...