

Guide Your Special Needs Child to Expect Success!

Children with special learning needs have experienced more failure and disappointment than other children. Parenting children with special learning needs can be difficult, and calls forth from their parents an extra measure of


Bubble Blowing Game

Take out a bubble wand and a jar of bubbles and blow and every kid (and grown-up) gets captivated. In this game, they can make all the bubbles they want...


Balloon Baseball Game

Balloons are always one of the best toys because they attract attention and they are light and easy to play with. This game uses the balloon as the ball in...


Penny Flick Game

This is a quickly organized social and fine motor game with an easy to find material, pennies. Partner two children across from each other or have children sitting around a...


Dump and Fill Game

Enjoying filling and dumping out objects is a stage in every child’s development. In this game it’s the filling step that is the changing challenge. Setup If you use a...


The Maincure

Ten years ago, I led a workshop for parents and grandparents of children with disabilities at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico. While there, I met Marcia,we spoke of many things over the course of that week, but one story she told resurfaces in my mind again and again.