

Transition & Supported Employment Working for You

Transition is a term used to describe post high school education planning processes for students with special needs between the ages of 14 and 22. Specifically, it is used to help students move from school to work


Alternative Reality: Fitness and Your Child

In years past, when in workshops or conventions, I would be informed that I would be grouped in the “Alternative Treatment” section. I’m not quite sure what fitness and play are alternative to


Racing to Renovate

At the young age of seven, Zoe Nestor of Burlington, Vermont has already had a lasting impact on her community

Our Little Man Zachary 0

Our Little Man Zachary

It was a hot November 27th, and I wasn’t due to give birth to my little twins until February of the following year. I wasn’t in the best of moods. My pregnancy, up to this point, had been difficult, and today was no

What is Kabuki Syndrome 0

What is Kabuki Syndrome?

To help raise awareness on the various disorders, Parenting Special Needs Magazine will be highlighting one disorder per issue. In this issue we are highlighting Kabuki Syndrome.