Jan/Feb 2012

Maintaining Healthy Changes 0

Maintaining Healthy Changes

Maintaining Healthy Changes Most people who try to lose weight fail to keep it off. Why? They fail to make changes that will last them a lifetime. Instead, they opt...

Real Mom's Share: Sue Fleming 0

Real Mom’s Share: Sue Fleming

LEFT: Sylas being held by Mom, Sue Fleming. Photo Courtesy Evan Gordon Photography   Sue Fleming shares about rolling up her sleeves to help pave the way for her son’s...

Special Fans Emarie 0

Special Fans: Emarie

Emarie “Favorite Pic” Submitted by Alisha Marie Peters Post pics to our wall… and you just may be selected as our SPECIAL FAN! on our Fan page, just go to...

Special Finds to Remember What You Love 0

Special Finds to Remember What You Love

Special Finds to Remember What You Love     Happiness journal: This year, in an effort to find out more about myself, I’ve decided to keep a happiness journal. Sometimes,...

Live Clutter FREE 0

Live Clutter FREE

Live Clutter FREE New Year! Now that all the holiday decorations are put away (organized, I am sure), it is time to focus on household clutter. You made a resolution...

Sharing “I CAN!” Attitudes: Samuel 0

Sharing “I CAN!” Attitudes: Samuel

Expressing Himself My son is 6 and still doesn’t talk much. He wanted me to “come” into the living room and lets me know by grabbing my pinky finger and...

An Unusual Gift for the New Year 0

An Unusual Gift for the New Year

Unusual Gift I sometimes felt like the little voice in the box that was saying “Will someone let me out of here?” I felt trapped, stressed, unhappy and unproductive. Parenting...