Learning Disabilities


IEP Adaptations, Accommodations, and Modifications

    Understanding These Educational Plans to Best Enhance Student Success in Special Education   Adaptations are changes in the way instruction and assessment are carried out to allow a learner equal opportunity...

5 Top Theories about the Causes of ADHD 3

5 Top Theories about the Causes of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become one of the most common childhood disorders that persist into adulthood, affecting about four percent of adults in the U.S. Many theories have been...

What is Dysnomia 2

What is Dysnomia?

Definition: Dysnomia is a learning disability that is categorized by difficulty in remembering names or recalling words from memory needed for oral or written expressive language. Dysnomia is a neurological...


Causes of Learning Disabilities

Being told that your child has difficulty communicating his thoughts, is unable to make sense of information he reads, has difficulty writing, cannot focus his attention, or feels distracted by...