Mar/Apr 2018

Health and Wellness 0

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness A Red Panda. A Twenty foot tall ball of yarn. Both are specific, if uncommon visuals. Okay now… “Healthy living.” Whatcha got? A cornucopia filled with fruits...

Sex Education for Special Needs Children 0

Sex Education for Special Needs Children

Sex Education for Special Needs Children In many school districts, Sexual Education begins in fifth grade. Parents find their nightly talks with their children punctuated by “ew’s,” “no ways,” “disgusting,”...

Siblings Siblings Are Special, Too 0

Siblings Are Special, Too

Sibling Bonds The bond between siblings can be a beautiful and powerful thing. It can be especially touching to watch your typical child interact with your special needs child. Whether...


Persistence & Goal Setting in Children

Persistence & Goal Setting in Children When I ask students in my classroom to write down their personal goals for the school year, I often hear things like: “Get good...