Mommy’s Timeout

Mommys Timeout Magnificent Fall Colors 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Fall Colors

  Take a time out and use Visualization Meditation to relax. Picture yourself here amongst the magnificent fall colors. Feel the cool crisp air on your skin. Take a couple...

Mommys Timeout Magnificent Mountains 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Mountains

    Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here amongst the magnificent mountains. Enjoy the fragrance of the fresh air. Take a couple of...

Mommys Timeout Magnificent Blooms 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Blooms

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here, amongst the magnificent blooms. Enjoy the fragrance of the blossoms. Take a couple of deep breaths...

Mommys Timeout Magnificent Sunrise 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Sunrise

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here, amongst the magnificent sunrise. feel the warmth of the sun’s rays. Take a couple of deep...

Mommy's Timeout: Magnificent Trees 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Trees

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here, amongst the magnificent trees. feel the cold, crisp air. Take a couple of deep breaths and...

Mommy's Timeout Fall Foliage 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Fall Foliage

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here, amongst the beautiful colors of the fall foliage. Take a couple of deep breaths and begin...

Mommys Timeout Lady Liberty 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Lady Liberty

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here, with Lady Liberty, the National symbol of freedom. Take a couple of deep breaths and begin...

Mommys Timeout Beautiful Beach 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Beautiful Beach

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to Relax. Picture yourself here, feel the sun, sand, and breeze on your skin. Take a couple of deep breaths and...

Mommys Timeout Zion National Park 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Zion National Park

Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Imagine yourself enjoying the gentle sounds of passing waters in the fresh air of Zion National Park. Take a couple...