

How I Was Able to Find Love Again

Photo from left to right: Justin Davner (boyfriend), McKenzie Foster (daughter), Erin Foster (mom), Kyle Foster (son). How I was able to find love again and my boyfriend loves both...

Fad Treatments Making Good Choices for Your Child 0

Fad Treatments Making Good Choices for Your Child

Fad Treatments Each year, people gather all over for conferences and conventions focused on supporting people with special needs. These events offer opportunities to connect with others facing similar issues...

The Dawning of a Bright Future 0

The Dawning of a Bright Future

The Dawning of a Bright Future It was June 14th and the last day of middle school had arrived. The energy in the halls was electric and the students were...

Five New year’s Resolutions 0

Five New Year’s Resolutions

Five New Year’s Resolutions Dear Debbie, Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while but, as you know, it’s been crazy with work, the kids and the million other...