Sharing “I CAN!” attitudes: Jordan Cook
Jordan Cook Conquering It All! My name is Belinda (Bellie) and my son is Jordan Cook. He has several “disabilities” that affect his legs and arms. In addition, he has...
Jordan Cook Conquering It All! My name is Belinda (Bellie) and my son is Jordan Cook. He has several “disabilities” that affect his legs and arms. In addition, he has...
Happy Feet! Attached is a picture of my son, Benjamin, who is 4 years old. This picture was taken over the summer. It holds so much meaning for us that...
Katherine Stanley Editor’s Note: when we ask for submissions, we usually get them sent to us by a parent or loved one who shares their proud moment. We received this...
Promoting independence in the kitchen
“Kids are Heroes” Joey was recently recognized at the St Joesph’s Childrens Hospital “Kids are Heroes” awards for his volunteer efforts. Diagnosed PDD-NOS and ADHD, Joey has a huge heart...
The Thrill of the Game I wanted to share a proud moment…I am always the proud mom, but recently my son Dallas, who is 14 (and diagnosed with Autism), began...
Expressing Himself My son is 6 and still doesn’t talk much. He wanted me to “come” into the living room and lets me know by grabbing my pinky finger and...
“You Can’t Stop The Beat” We have many proud moments of our daughter, Angela (23 year old micro preemie with visual impairment, mild cerebral palsy, seizures). Last October, I talked...
Proud of Himself! My son, Jaeden, is 4 years old and has Cerebral Palsy and FASD. He was in his first “play” this past weekend! He was so proud of...
Parents shared the following two words to describe their child’s personality. What two words would you use to describe your child/children? Related: Using 2 Words Only, Describe Your Child’s Personality?...
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