Real Life

Real Life with Eustacia Cutler 0

Real Life with Eustacia Cutler

Eustacia Cutler Mother of four children. Her oldest child is Temple Grandin, who has become a successful person with autism in the world today. Of all the incredible people I’ve...

The Present 0

The Present

I was walking across the yard today with Seth, as I have done so many times before, after getting him off of the bus. We were strolling more than walking,...

The Love of a Father 0

The Love of a Father

Headlines are quick to capture “deadbeat dads”. Stories and movies are often written about abusive fathers, and about dads who disappear from the lives of their children, leaving moms and children broken, hurt, desolate, and alone. We seem to hear a little bit about the good dads

Wheres the RESPITE? 0

Where’s the RESPITE?

I don’t think there’s any anywhere…
This line runs through my head just about every weekend!


“Real Life”… with Terry Loren

This issue talks about dating and marriage for parents with special needs children. We thought it would be interesting to talk with a bachelor of 43 years that is planning to marry a mother with a special needs daughter