Real Life

Why Immunizations? 2

Why Immunizations?

Question: Why are vaccines and immunizations so important? Answer: Parents are constantly worried about their child’s health and safety and take the necessary steps needed to protect them. The utilization...

What is Dysphagia 0

What is Dysphagia?

Question: My child has CP and is having difficulty swallowing so I took her to the Doctor and he used the term Dysphagia. What is Dysphagia? Answer: Dysphagia is a...

Real Life with John Quinn 0

Real Life with John Quinn

How John W. Quinn’s Parents’ Attitude about His Disability Created a Success Story. In John W. Quinns’s autobiography, Someone Like Me: An Unlikely Story of Challenge and Triumph Over Cerebral...


My Relaxing Escape

My Relaxing Escape I know that as a special needs mother, taking time for myself sometimes seems impossible. But, I found an easy way to feel like I’ve escaped to...

My New Motherhood 0

My New Motherhood

Motherhood When you set out to have children, you wish for a healthy and happy baby. You may hope for a girl or hope for a boy, but you know...