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Sept/Oct 2011


Q&A Ask Special Parents

Question: I need some advice on how to give your other children, without special needs, just as much attention as your special needs child? I have a 6 year old...


Did You Know? Wheelchair Rain Poncho

Did you know that  you can sew this easy Wheelchair Rain Poncho using the tutorial we found at AdaptingCreatively.blogspot.com? It is a great way to keep kids and their wheelchairs...

5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself 0

5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself 1. Do something out of your comfort zone Try something new once a month (more than once a month is okay, too). It...

Who Is in the Box? 0

Who Is in the Box?

Who Is in the Box? If your child or client is going into an inclusive classroom at school this fall, s/he may have some difficult moments trying to fit in...

Holiday Moments Ronan 0

Holiday Moments: Ronan & Kiki

Ronan and Kiki Happy Smiles Christmas finally brought big smiles to Ronan (age 10 with Asperger Syndrome) posing here with mom and his baby sister Kiki (age 8) Each year...