Sept/Oct 2016

Bookshelf Essentials 0

Bookshelf Essentials: Life Skills Books

Life Skills Books Moms Move Mountains by Susan Magers and Donna Spencer: With over 20 years experience in Special Education, the authors have compiled strategies for addressing issues from the...


2016 Cover Winner: Madison & Dane

Madison & Dane This month’s cover features Madison Elliot, 9, and her younger brother, Dane Becker who is seven. They also have a “newest addition” to their family with Nathan,...

Handy School Tools Parents Will Love 0

Handy School Tools Parents Will Love

Handy School Tools Parents Will Love Back-to-school shopping can be simultaneously exhilarating, sticker shock-producing, and full of hopeful possibilities for a new beginning. We know that getting organized, dusting off...

Wellness: Breakfast for Champions 0

Wellness: Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast for Champions How many times have you heard, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” The word “breakfast” means breaking the fasting period of the previous night....

New School Year Should Mean New IEP 0

New School Year Should Mean New IEP

New IEP As the new school year begins, our children will be entering a new grade and possibly a new school. Everything will be new: curriculum, settings, teacher, possibly new...

Today I Cried Special Moments 0

Today I Cried Special Moments

Special Moments This morning I woke up early and fixed a very filling breakfast before they headed out. I helped my older daughter scour the house for last minute things...