Sept/Oct 2016

Do It Yourself Calming Bottle 0

Do It Yourself Calming Bottle

This DIY calming bottle is perfect for calming your child down, easy to make and can help when “someone” needs to take a time-out. The colors shimmer as the light...

Braids 0


Braids Last week, I was sitting in front of a computer with Mansur, a 16-year-old boy with autism who I’ve interacted with most days since I began working at IRODA...

Supporting Teen Behavior and Loving Relationships 0

Supporting Teen Behavior and Loving Relationships

Supporting Teen Behavior and Loving Relationships What happened to my loving, cooperative child? Many parents of children with special needs find themselves frustrated when their tried-and true strategies stop working...

Strategies for Great IEP Meetings 0

Strategies for Great IEP Meetings

I have attended countless IEP meetings and worn various hats: mother, friend, advocate, and professional. The most difficult were, without a doubt, those IEP meetings for my (now 20-year-old) daughter....