
Real Moms Share: Evana Sandusky 0

Real Moms Share: Evana Sandusky

Evana Sandusky shares about 10 years of motherhood Evana is mother to a child with Down syndrome, AV canal defect, Wolff- Parkinson White syndrome, sleep apnea, and asthma. She is...

Sharing “I Can!” Attitudes: Jumpin'for Joy 0

Sharing “I Can!” Attitudes: Jumpin’for Joy

Jumpin’for joy My son has Asperger’s and is currently out of mainstream secondary school due to his difficulties. On Saturday, he got Gold at the Lincolnshire Gymnastics Association Floor and...

Real Moms Share: Michelle Rocker 0

Real Moms Share: Michelle Rocker

Michelle Rocker Marching to her own beat… When we first met Michelle Rocker, we were instantly taken by her funny sense of humor, her wit, charm and, of course, her...