
Discover How Project SEARCH Opens Doors to Employment 0

Discover How Project SEARCH Opens Doors to Employment

Project SEARCH is a transition-to-work program for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is available throughout the United States. The program, developed at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, is unique...


Summer Goals and Fun!

While summer represents a time for fun, it can also unearth challenges. Sometimes, togetherness is not always blissful, boredom can lead to destructive behaviors and a break from learning can...

Does Your Teen Struggle with Executive Function? 0

Does Your Teen Struggle with Executive Function?

5 Executive Function Tips Are you seeing that your teen consistently struggles in the same areas: task initiation, time management, prioritization, and organization? Like any other subject in school, these...

Independence and Self-Advocacy 0

Independence and Self-Advocacy

Independence and Self-Advocacy Many years ago, I read a book by Jennie McCarthy. It was about her son and his journey with autism. Throughout the book, she referenced that her...

Using Tech to Help Develop Self-Advocacy Skills 0

Using Tech to Help Develop Self-Advocacy Skills

Developing Self-Advocacy Skills with Tech The pencils, notebooks, paper, and backpacks have all been purchased. The first day excitement has come and gone, and maybe (fingers crossed), your child is...