

Dealing with Grief and Darkness

Grief and Darkness Each day we live can bring us joy, laughter, relief, and love. It can also bring us sadness, pain, and loss. Although the good events in our...

Family Chat Navigating Across the Lifespan 0

Family Chat: Navigating Across the Lifespan

Learn ways to prepare, respond, and support our families through life’s transitions through our own challenges and successes. (Aug 2021) Fill out the form to subscribe to our email list...

Tech Tips for Back-to-School Success 0

Tech Tips for Back to School Success

Take notes in real-time Build real-time transcripts that cater to different learning styles It’s that time again, summer is winding down and we will be getting ready to send our...

Transition How 2020 Is Shaping Our Views of Technology 0

Transition: Shaping Our Views of Technology

The word “transition” has multiple meanings. In the world of special education, typically we think of transition as the process in which children with disabilities change or move from childhood...

Back-To-School Homework Hacks 0

School Homework Hacks

SCHOOL HOMEWORK HACKS The gentle reminders of school are upon us in mid-July with school supplies in stores and back-to-school commercials on T.V. Those things serve as reminders that summer...

College Bound A Journey to Independence 0

College Bound: A Journey to Independence

College Bound: A Journey to Independence Our son, Clayton, started college this fall along with three of his closest friends. Originally, we planned to create a supported living residence for...