Taking Personal Time for Ourselves
Sometimes it is really hard, if not completely impossible, to take any time away from Autism for ourselves. During these past few months, I have been rather distant from most. This is due to Aidan falling apart completely by being grossly mismanaged at school. He has 14 EA’s who work with him (the school did this, not us). It wasn’t Aidan’s behaviors, just the school’s inconsistencies: no proper curriculum, he is excluded from his peers, issues with the bus company… the list goes on.
Related: Where’s the RESPITE? [1]
After months of shear hell, I was forced to medicate Aidan for extreme anxiety. Today, after months of playing the “medication game”, he is doing much better. Through this whole process, I lost any identity that I had and as a result, had nothing to give to myself at the end of the day. I let a lot slide, and even though I have accomplished a lot personally to help our family, I had nothing to give of myself.
I lost any identity that I had and as a result, had nothing to give to myself at the end of the day.
Related: Respite, or a Break in Your Life to Recharge! [2]
I decided a few weeks ago that it was time to look at what I have done in the past that has brought me great joy. For me, that was photography. I use my little Canon A530 camera and snap shots of old houses in my area. I have enjoyed these finds since I was a child and it has been a wonderful form of therapy for me. Aidan even enjoys going for the ride as I snap shots. I was amazed that he would be patient and actually enjoy these outings as well. Although it is not ideal for most, or even possible for some, we have still managed.
Related: Art Day Stress Free Way to Play [3]
With Autism, everything goes into our children and we so easily become lost in that. We forget everything about ourselves that makes us happy or gives us an outlet away from the Autism. It took a long time for me to realize that taking this time was not selfish, but, in fact, necessary.
Related: Mental Health Is Not Something to Take for Granted How to Manage Depression and Stress During the Holidays [4]
Please remember to take time for yourself and look at the little things that you can do to re-capture some independence from Autism.
Have you taken time for yourself? Tell us what you enjoy? Send to submit@parentingspecialneeds.org
This post originally appeared on our September/October 2010 Magazine [5]