TELL US: What 10 Changes Would You Make?

TELL US: What 10 Changes Would You Make?

8 Responses

  1. Avatar Emily Joy Minich says:

    A meal serviceโ€ฆ. where special needs families can call in and get a meal for free, delivered to their homes for free. How many of us lack time or the energy to cook?!? This would be a godsend.

  2. Avatar Mary Walters says:

    easier access to assistive technology; ALL free apps for Kindles/iPads (not $10 ones!); free workshops for teachers/school staff on the impact of special needs on a childโ€™s home life; more grant money for AT for home use; free self-care training for caregivers/babysitters so they donโ€™t burnout (we NEED them!); a special program from craft or department stores to donate discontinued items to SN families/SN teachers/OT/PT for project use; an advocate program (free from local law/social work university programs) for each county, set up to assist EVERY parent preparing/defending an IEP meeting, so that IEPs donโ€™t have to be such a challenge.
    Yep. Basically, a perfect world.

  3. Avatar Patty says:

    I would like for children with Special Needs to be in a separate category for public assistance (separate Medicaid than those without special needs). These children are put in the same category. Their needs are very different and they continue to get rejected for many daily living expenses.

  4. Avatar Angel says:

    I am a single mom of two boys with Autism. My boys are 14 & 7, and I would love to see our local churches get involved. My oldest son doesnโ€™t โ€œfit inโ€ with the youth group so he doesnโ€™t want to go to church anymore. We need special needs friendly churches. Both of my sons need to work on their social skills but the groups that we were referred to cost $75 a week and thatโ€™s only for 1 hour a week. Thatโ€™s RIDICULOUS!!!! I canโ€™t afford that on what I make!!! We need better schools for our special needs kids, they learn differently but they are expected to be able to stay on task with all the other kids in their class. My 14 year old is on a 1st grade reading level and a 2nd grade math level and I blame our education system for letting him slip through the cracks. Both of my boys are smart kids, they just learn in different ways and I am tired of fighting with the school system.
    I love my boys more than anything and I will continue to fight for them.

  5. Avatar myboylang says:

    aba therapy is in high demand and need more therapist in this area of need. educate the hospitals how to care for our autism sprectum people even doctors to be aware and prepared for how the child will handle blood being drawn is he able yo do a keg or do we need to sedate the child to get this kind of test.

  6. Avatar Penni says:

    An adaptive bike exactly like the one the school board purchased for him. He loves it and it would give him a sense of freedom to be able to ride his bike along with his step brother, step sister and his little friends. Itโ€™s hard watching him observe from the sidelines ๐Ÿ™

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