Cell Phone Saves Time and Reduces Stress
Have you ever had to meet a deadline? Maybe it’s getting a package of forms filled out and signed for the insurance company, maybe it’s something for an attorney, therapist or the doctor’s office. You name it… you’re in a time crunch; you have received all the answers, and it’s signed… you start to scan it with your home printer and BAM!!!! Frozen…
I don’t know about you, but every time I go to scan a document with my printer (to create a PDF), the computer gremlins take over, it freezes or it jams. If I’m lucky, it will have scanned the first page, but then it won’t scan the second page. After I “futzed around” with the printer for a couple of minutes, I end up having to shut down the computer and reboot it. PS: I have a new printer…and something that was supposed to take me 10 minutes or less is now taking me an hour and a half, and I’m freaking frustrated and very crazy!
Well, I’m here to share with you a solution…one that was shared with me by my daughter’s behavior therapist. It has reduced my stress greatly when it comes to scanning documents and emailing them. It’s an app called Turboscan.

Click image for the best video demonstration of this app, we could find it’s from Google Play.
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It costs about $5.99, but, for me, it has been worth every penny. I have tried a few other types of these apps that were free, but I couldn’t get them to work as easily as Turboscan [2]. For me, it’s about simplifying and easing up my life. For example:
A friend of mine called the other day and asked me if I had a fax machine she could use; she needed to get guardianship renewal papers to her attorney. I said no, BUT, I have a simple solution for you.
Now, I know I’m not the only busy mom (or anyone, for that matter) that would find this app helpful. I wanted to pass it along because it works for me, and I’m hoping that it can ease your life, stress and work for you.
For your convenience, I have included our affiliate link above. This product has been SOOO helpful to me and I think you will find that it will be helpful to you as well. If you want to, you can purchase it right through the link below. When I find things that make my life easier, I want to share them with you all.
We all have a lot on our plates and anything that can help simplify it is always worth sharing, I think!
Talk to you soon