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Visit & Observing Schools

Contact the schools you are interested in and make an appointment for a visit. If possible, tour the schools during regular school hours and visit a few classes. Avoid visiting schools during the first or last week of a semester in order to get a realistic sense of how the school operates. A good way to have your questions answered is to schedule an appointment with the school principal. If possible, attend an open house, parent-teacher meeting, or other school function that would also provide valuable information about the attitudes of staff, students, and parents.

Listen closely to what teachers say about the school. The teachers will be the adults closest to your child, and you will want to know if they are well prepared, dedicated, and happy in their work.






Parent and Community Involvement



Parent Tip: 10 Things to Look for in a School

  1. Expectations
  2. Busy students
  3. Great teachers
  4. Great principal
  5. Vibrant parent-teacher organization
  6. Children are neither invisible nor scared to be at school
  7. Gut reaction that this is the school for your child
  8. Rigorous curriculum
  9. Families like yours are welcome, and their concerns are acknowledged
  10. You are satisfied with the school’s results on standardized tests and school report cards


Parent Tips Source: Minnesota Department of Education, Office of Choice and Innovation


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