
5 Ways Fitness Can Improve Autism Symptoms 0

5 Ways Fitness Can Improve Autism Symptoms

Fitness Can Improve Autism Symptoms If you live or work with someone on the autism spectrum, you are familiar with the challenges of daily life. Many of the common symptoms...

Fitness as a Gateway to Independence 0

Fitness as a Gateway to Independence

At one time, Fidele required 10 minute breaks between 30 second periods of exercise. During “break” time he would wander back and forth, play with the odd piece of string...

From the Heart Parent Time 0

From the Heart: Parent Time

Welcome to the May/June 2011 issue of PSN. As this issue falls into the months that hold Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, I can’t help but think of what it...


Spring Ahead With an IEP Toolkit!

If a child has a learning disability, or some other form of disability, she is mostly likely on a school IEP (Individualized Education Program). What is an IEP? A written...

Real Life with Eustacia Cutler 0

Real Life with Eustacia Cutler

Eustacia Cutler Mother of four children. Her oldest child is Temple Grandin, who has become a successful person with autism in the world today. Of all the incredible people I’ve...