
Why Go To College? 0

Why Go To College?

There are many reasons to go to college, the most important of which is to become qualified for your desired career. Students attending IPSE (Inclusive Postsecondary Education) programs are more...

Discover How Project SEARCH Opens Doors to Employment 0

Discover How Project SEARCH Opens Doors to Employment

Project SEARCH is a transition-to-work program for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is available throughout the United States. The program, developed at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, is unique...


Physical Issues That Affect Reading and Writing

Identifying and Addressing Challenges in Literacy Development  Two of the most important and widely used skills in school and the workforce are reading and writing. However, there are many physical challenges...


IEP Adaptations, Accommodations, and Modifications

    Understanding These Educational Plans to Best Enhance Student Success in Special Education   Adaptations are changes in the way instruction and assessment are carried out to allow a learner equal opportunity...