

Summer Goals and Fun!

While summer represents a time for fun, it can also unearth challenges. Sometimes, togetherness is not always blissful, boredom can lead to destructive behaviors and a break from learning can...

Nice to Know Identifying Developmental Markers 0

Nice to Know: Identifying Developmental Markers

The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have changed the checklist of developmental milestones for 15-30 months, making it easier for pediatricians to identify delays in children sooner. With clearly...


Empowering Ability

in·de·pend·ent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ adjective 1. free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority. 2. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. We all know what it means to be...

How Technology Aids Families with Disabilities 0

How Technology Aids Families with Disabilities

We live in a world where technological advances are an everyday occurrence. We can see this in advertisements, scholarly journal articles, the news, and even social media. For disabled persons,...


College is NOW an Option for ALL

College is NOW an Option for ALL College is NOW an Option for ALL provides an exciting look into the expanding opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to attend...

10 Tips to Help Prepare for College 0

10 Tips to Help Prepare for College

As more people discover the programs available to students with ID, the more likely it is that the competition for these “classroom seats” will get greater and greater. Western Carolina...

2021 College NOW! Cover 0

2021 College NOW! Cover

College NOW! The University of Cincinnati Online provides high-quality, online academic programs from our premier research and higher learning institution. Our mission at UC Online is to provide a flexible...