Transitions & Life

Technology For Life 0

Technology for Life

Technology For Life! Meet Nathan Mobile technology is helping Nathan, a Kindergartener with autism, meet his educational goals. Technology projects that require Nathan to not only write about his creations,...


Green Jobs, Green Money!

By Ernst VanBergeijk, Ph.D., M.S.W. Can the recycling of consumer electronics lead to jobs for people with disabilities? As a parent of a child with a disability, two of the...

A New School for Rebecca 0

A New School for Rebecca

A New School for Rebecca Walking out of Rebecca’s IEP meeting, Deanna was both overjoyed and filled with dread. Her daughter was being transferred to a new, inclusive, state-of-the art...


Memory Disabilities

Some children with learning disabilities have difficulty organizing their thoughts and verbally expressing them.

The Dangers of Overscheduling Your Child! 0

The Dangers of Overscheduling Your Child!

Overscheduling Are today’s children being crammed with too many activities? Many parents strive for keeping their child’s schedule packed and live in constant fear that their child will become an...

The Birthday Gift 0

The Birthday Gift

Every year I struggled with what to do for my daughter’s birthday. Of course, my daughter starts planning

Tools for Career Exploration 0

Tools for Career Exploration

Tools for Career Exploration: Use Free Assessment Tests for Guiding Your Child The Occupational Information Network (O*NET), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, has a set of self-directed career...