Transitions & Life

Back-To-School Homework Hacks 0

School Homework Hacks

SCHOOL HOMEWORK HACKS The gentle reminders of school are upon us in mid-July with school supplies in stores and back-to-school commercials on T.V. Those things serve as reminders that summer...

Explore and Discover Our World With the Help of These Apps 0

Tech Travel Tips for Summer

Tech Travel Tips for Summer Summer vacation can be lots of fun… no school, no homework, family schedules are usually more relaxed due to a break in extracurricular activities. We,...

College Bound A Journey to Independence 0

College Bound: A Journey to Independence

College Bound: A Journey to Independence Our son, Clayton, started college this fall along with three of his closest friends. Originally, we planned to create a supported living residence for...

What is a TPSID? 0

What is a TPSID?

What is a TPSID? Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with intellectual Disability, or TPSID, are model demonstration projects funded by the US Department of education. Through a Request for...