Cooking with Kids: Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup
Encouraging Speech & Creating Yum! Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup Kid Approved! Easy recipe for those nights when you need to serve a quick, hot meal that’s fast, but still satisfying....
Encouraging Speech & Creating Yum! Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup Kid Approved! Easy recipe for those nights when you need to serve a quick, hot meal that’s fast, but still satisfying....
Speech Activities for Valentine’s Day After almost three months in the NICU, my son came home with a tracheotomy and g-tube. I am no stranger to speech and feeding therapy....
New and Retooled Apps We get excited around here by innovative and creative technologies that help children with disabilities develop, become more independent and succeed in life. Keeping up with...
“Special Needs ” and “Hockey” are not two words that you hear together very often; they do go together very nicely though. Meet the Cleveland Rockin’ Wildcats. They are a...
Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD Sometimes a quick 5-minute break to reconnect with your mind, body, and environment can be incredibly effective for reestablishing focus and regulating activity...
Clean Up! I walked into my 18 year old son’s room the other day, and after tripping over his football gear and laundry, I said, “How can you study and...
“Fun & Functional” healthy, easy recipes to make with your kids.
Amber Lee, a mother of six, 3 on the Autism Spectrum, and a husband with celiac disease, shared her son’s favorite gluten-free, casein-free cookie recipes
My husband, Jim, and I are veterans. You see, we have served in a different kind of battle. We have survived traveling with a child who has special needs. I guess you could call it
Through the magic of play, all children can experience victories, imagine new worlds and share the joy of learning. But accidents can happen
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