Health & Wellness

Mommy's Timeout Treinen Farm Maze 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Treinen Farm Maze

Take a Time Out   Use visualization meditation to relax. Imagine yourself exploring inside of the Treinen Farm Maze. Take a couple of deep breaths and begin to let go...


Sensory Spaces for You, Me, and SPD

Sensory Spaces Life gets busy and crazy for us all. So, we all know that we need to make time to take care of ourselves and create that “me” time....


Tech Tools for a Healthy Summer Reset

Healthy Reset Summertime is almost here! As parents and caregivers, we know that summer means less structured time for our children due to school breaks. This inevitably leads to more...


How Does a Patient Portal Benefit My Child?

Electronic Medical Records or Patient Portals, as they are often called, provide us with many benefits for accessing our medical files. Of course, as with anything, there will be pros...