Inspirational stories

Siblings Siblings Are Special, Too 0

Siblings Are Special, Too

Sibling Bonds The bond between siblings can be a beautiful and powerful thing. It can be especially touching to watch your typical child interact with your special needs child. Whether...

Proud Moments: Sammy and Parker 0

Proud Moments: Sammy and Parker

More than friends Sammy and Parker Parker has had such an impact on me… My name is Sammy Callari. I am a personal trainer in Naples, Florida. I have had...

Leandro Teaches a Lesson 0

Leandro Teaches a Lesson

Leandro was diagnosed with Autism. To his mom, dad and even me, his therapist, a better description would be Difficult. Very Difficult. Leandro had opinions and mostly they were “No”....

Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome 0

Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome

Dad’s Emotional Video Defending Down Syndrome Sparks Overwhelming Support [Source: ABC] A Canadian father is receiving support around the globe after posting a video of himself defending children with...